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Medical Consultation
Remote Medical Consultation

Problem Depending on the branch of medicine, there may not be many medical specialists in the regional hospitals. So, the disparity in medical treatment tends to become wider between city and rural hospitals. In order to offer detailed advice, medical specialists have to make frequent trips, which is a burdensome.

HD Visual Communications System Solution The high image quality makes it possible to display details, including colours of the affected areas on the screen. Also, the PC's screens can also be shared, and the CT images in electronic charts can be displayed by providing an efficient way to share and receive data with immediate effect.


Medical Training

Problem It becomes difficult to conduct lecture sessions for doctors training in rural areas because of a shortage in the training personnel. With an ordinary videoconference system, the connection is unstable and question-and-answer sessions will not go smoothly.

HD Visual Communications System Solution A stable 2-way connection can be conducted with high quality sound and makes possible to attend the active lecture sessions for doctors training in rural areas. With smooth question-and-answer sessions, lectures can be conducted efficiently even with a limited number of personnel.