TSP work for telecom Towers

AICIPL, A tower infrastructure company provides passive infrastructure on a sharing basis to telecom operators. Our role as a tower infrastructure company we operate and executes in All Types of Towers Telecom towers are on the basis of their placement as Ground-based and Roof-top.
Ground-Based Tower: Erected on the ground, ground-based towers (GBTs) are taller (typically 200 to 400 feet) and are mostly used in rural and semi-urban areas because of the easy availability of real-estate space there. GBTs involve a capital expenditure in the range of Rs. 2.4 to 2.8 million, depending on the height of the tower..
Roof-Top Tower (RTT): Roof-top towers (RTTs), which are generally placed on the roofs of high-rise buildings, are shorter (than GBTs) and more common in urban and highly populated areas, where there is paucity of real-estate space. Typically, these involve a capital expenditure of Rs. 1.5 to 2 million.

TSP work for telecom Towers involves

  • Site planning, keeping in view the network rollout plans of prospective customers.
  • Site assessment and site services
  • Obtaining of necessary regulatory approvals.
  • P.Eng stamped drawings for site preparation and construction permits
  • Structure installations, foundation and grounding work.
  • Erection and commissioning of tower and allied equipment. Installation of antenna and antenna mounts, feeders etc Site clearing, sweep testing of equipment
  • Provision of support services such as back-up power, air-conditioning and security.
  • Provision of turnkey solutions to telecom companies such as sourcing of equipment, testing and maintenance.
  • Turnkey project implementation from inception to completion